The Historical Development of the Book of Church Order

Chapter 19 : The Licensure of Candidates for the Gospel Ministry and Internship

Paragraph 8 : Of Candidacy for Internship

19-8. An applicant for internship must be a candidate and may be a licentiate in the Presbytery in which he is seeking to become an intern. He may, however, become a candidate, and an intern at the same meeting of Presbytery. If an applicant for internship is already a candidate in another Presbytery, that Presbytery should dismiss him as a candidate to the Presbytery in which he is seeking to become an intern.


No comparable text in the following editions:
PCA 1973, Adopted text
Continuing Presbyterian Church 1973, Proposed text
PCUS 1933
PCUS 1879
PCUS 1869 draft
PCUS 1867 draft

F.P. Ramsay, Exposition of the Book of Church Order
[no comparable text for discussion]